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May 2019 - Casco Institue - Utrecht

The Utrecht Experimental Ensemble is a collective of musicians who engage in research and discussion through collaborative music creation and performance. Our music is based in improvisation and interdisciplinary work, with the ensemble functioning as a sound/art laboratory to test and workshop new approaches. Our goals include connecting and sharing with an audience drawn to new sounds and ideas, researching social interactions through music, and creating a caring, inclusive and equitable process of producing and presenting new music.

Respond of the committee was positive:

We appreciate the initiative and idea of presentation of own compositions and direct reflection/discussion with spectators


Link to video of Utrecht Experimental Ensemble, BABEL by Gordon H Williams:


For more information: www.gordonhwilliams.com


Het gebeurtenis was een echt succes! 
Het publiek was enthousiast (ongeveer 20-25 mensen)- bijna de meest dat in Casco kan passen. 

Dankzij de ondersteuning van Stichting Musicamaxima, kunnen wij andere voorstellingen plannen- wij praten nu met venue's in Rotterdam en Amsterdam. Heel erg bedankt!